St George’s day in the city of Culture had to be marked. Displayed in the City centre on the 23rd-25th March and 1-3rd May celebrating St George’s Day and the May Day Bank holiday weekend. These massive pieces of art depict the story of Sir Guy of Warwick, who was alleged to be the son of St George who sleighed the dragon.


The art work was created by Joe & Max (aka 3D Joe & Max) for Coventry City council. Scrolls were created by local artist and mural painter, Katie O.


The giant floor clothes were placed out across the city, from Broadgate to FarGo Village. And attracted many visitors eager to view the 3D pieces.

Map and facts available from CoventryCitycouncils website.

It’s hard to capture how dramatic these pieces are in a photo, but when stood in the designated spot to view, it really did feel like there were holes in the floor or wall that you were looking at, through to another world.


Depicting animals and people as well as dramatic landscapes, the pieces definitely brought people out in the sunshine to stare in wonder at the scenes.

St George

My personal favourite was the dragon extending his neck out of his fiery pit of a castle dungeon with two figures viewing him from below. This was located by the Belgrade Theatre just off Corporation street. I also love the Knight wielding his sword in FarGo Village as it’s on a wall giving a new dimension to the work.

St George

More of Katie O’s work, see CoventryLife.Uk/summer-of-sunflowers.

Photo credits; Emily Tyler (unless otherwise stated)


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